Also on the night the Student Designer award was given To Umit Kutluk with his design inspired by the Oscar Wilde poem "We are made one with what we touch and see" and modelled by Anna Flynn. Thank you to our judges Bairbre Power, Maria Fusco, Angela Scanlon, Sian
Jacobs and Kamal Ibrahim, hope you all enjoyed yourselves!
Before we knew it the show was over and it was time for thank you's. Then without further notice it was on to the after party in Krystle where we all patted ourselves on the back and said well done on a brilliant show.
Our three amazing show directors

***For more photos go to Alfa Romeo Ireland on facebook where you can still enter the competition to go to any Italian city of your choice!
For even more photos go to Richie | Photography on facebook for behind the scenes photos and after party photos.